Upcoming Events

Janurary 19th - Nspire Wedding Show - CDA Resort from 11-5 (ticketed event)

January 25th - Private 8th Birthday Party!

January 31st - Private Party for the Teachers! 

Feburary 1st - Lunar New Year at the Spokane Convention Center from 12-7

Feburary 8th - Galentines - Trailbreaker in Liberty Lake from 12-3

Feburary 13th - Galentines - Collected Goods in Liberty Lake from 3-7

Feburary 22nd - Tipsy Vine 1 Year Anniversary Party from 12-6

April 19th - Zephyr Lodge Bridal Festival from 11-5

*All events are open to the public unless marked private. Please contact us to scheudule your own event!